10 Best Prop Trading Firms Compared - Bestfxbrokers.com (2024)

10 Best Prop Trading Firms Compared - Bestfxbrokers.com (1)10 Best Prop Trading Firms Compared - Bestfxbrokers.com (2)

Have you decided to leap into the fast-paced world of proprietary trading? That’s exciting! To get you on the right track, we’ve done some homework—and don’t worry, it’s not the boring kind. We’ve sifted through the details to concisely compare the ten best prop trading firms. So get ready to get yourself familiar with these powerhouses of trading!

A Side-by-Side Comparison of Top 10 Prop Trading Firms

Well choosing a prop trading firm is a critical decision that can directly impact your trading opportunities and success. Take your time considering these options to select the one that is the best fit for your specific needs.

After thorough research and going through numerous client reviews and firm details, the top 10 prop trading firms are:

  1. FunderPro
  2. Jane Street
  3. Flow Traders
  4. Optiver
  5. DRW
  6. IMC
  7. BluFX
  8. Maverick Trading
  9. WTS Proprietary Trading Group
  10. First New York

By considering several aspects, such as reputation, funding options, trading platforms, and support, a more detailed summary for each firm is provided.

Prop FirmDescription
FunderProFunderPro stands out for its reputable name in the industry and its proven track record of success stories for clients. The firm offers various funding options, including proprietary trading through fully funded accounts. Hi-tech platform interfaces and professional customer support underscore their service.
Jane StreetJane Street is known for its technology-driven approach to proprietary trading. The firm boasts robust funding options supported by a leading-edge trading platform. Their reputation is solidified by vital customer feedback and service.
Flow TradersPrimarily known for their expertise in ETFs, Flow Traders offers unique opportunities for proprietary trading. A reliable trading platform supports them and offers consistent customer support.
OptiverWith offices worldwide, Optiver is renowned for its global footprint and reputation. It provides traders with diverse funding options. Their advanced trading platform and responsive support system further enhance their offer.
DRWOne of the pioneers of the prop trading industry, DRW has a strong reputation backed by years of successful operation. Their solid funding options, paired with a robust trading platform, offer traders a reliable option for prop trading.
IMCIMC is globally recognized for its automated trading systems, making it a top choice for tech-savvy traders. Their advanced and user-friendly trading platform offers good funding and support options.
BluFXBluFX is a proprietary trading firm offering remote trading opportunities. Their flexible funding options, coupled with an intuitive trading platform, make them a trusted name in the industry.
Maverick TradingAlthough relatively minor in size, Maverick Trading is renowned for its trader training programs and strong community. Their funding options are attractive, and the trading platform is user-friendly.
WTS Proprietary Trading GroupSpecializing in equities, ETFs, and options, WTS Proprietary Trading Group offers noteworthy prop trading opportunities. Their trading platform is robust, and they provide reliable customer support.
First New YorkFirst, New York is a veteran in the industry, known for its strategic approach to proprietary trading. They offer versatile funding options supported by a reliable trading platform and sound customer support.

Prop Trading Firms Comparison Chart

Prop Trading FirmFunding OptionsTrading FeesAvailable MarketsRisk Management SupportReputation
FunderProFully funded accounts, varying levels of initial fundingCompetitive fees, contingent on the funding packageEquities, Forex, ETFs, FuturesReal-time risk monitoring, dedicated supportReputable with a proven track record
Jane StreetTrader compensation, profit-sharingNo fees for tradersEquities, ETFs, Options, Futures, BondsStringent risk monitoring mechanismHighly respected in the industry
Flow TradersTrader compensation, profit-sharingNo fees for tradersETFs, Fixed IncomeReal-time risk management, dedicated support teamExcellent reputation
OptiverTrader compensation, profit-sharingNo fees for tradersEquities, Options, Futures, CommoditiesRisk management team, in-house trading limitationsGreat global reputation
DRWTrader compensation, profit-sharingNo fees for tradersEquities, Fixed Income, Options, CommoditiesTrading position limits, comprehensive risk management systemEsteemed and well-known
IMCTrader compensation, profit-sharingNo fees for tradersEquities, Options, Futures, CurrenciesReal-time risk monitoring, dedicated supportStrong Reputation
BluFXMonthly subscription, fully funded accounts, profit-sharingCompetitive fees, contingent on the subscription planForex, Indices, CommoditiesPosition size limits, stop-loss rulesWell-respected and trustworthy
Maverick TradingInitial deposit, profit-sharingVaries depending on the productEquities, Options, FuturesPersonal risk limits, trading coachA smaller but growing reputation
WTS Proprietary Trading GroupTrader compensation, profit-sharingNo fees for tradersEquities, ETFs, OptionsReal-time risk monitoring, stop-loss rulesSolid reputation
First New YorkTrader compensation, profit-sharingNo fees for tradersEquities, Fixed Income, Currencies, CommoditiesComprehensive risk management system, trading position limitsLong-standing, esteemed reputation

The above chart provides a concise comparison of the listed prop trading firms, making it easier to select the best option based on your trading needs and preferences.

Comparison of the Best Firms for Prop Trading

Select a few top prop trading firms to compare.

Analyze and present a detailed comparison of each firm’s trading services, funding options, trading platforms, proprietary tools, and track record.

Consider including information on factors such as risk management practices, trader support, and any unique features that set the firms apart.

How Does Prop Trading Work?

Proprietary (Prop) trading involves financial firms, such as broker-dealers or hedge funds, trading financial instruments like stocks, bonds, commodities, or currencies with the firm’s own money, not clients’ money. The primary goal is to earn a significant profit for the firm.

Hiring Process: Prop trading firms hire traders with the skills and expertise to execute trades on behalf of the firm. These professionals must follow the firm’s risk management strategies and trading guidelines to generate positive returns.

Compensation and Profits: Profits generated from the executed trades directly influence the compensation received by the traders. Generally, a trader gets a base salary and additional compensation, a percentage of the profits they generate—often referred to as a profit-sharing arrangement. The proportion of profit shared with a trader can vary significantly between firms.

How do I get instant funding from a prop firm?

Getting instant funding from a prop firm involves effectively demonstrating your trading competency and risk management abilities. While the process can be challenging, success allows traders to propel their careers without risking personal capital.

  1. Application: The process usually begins with you, the trader, applying to a prop trading firm. This step typically includes submitting your trading history, resume, or any other documentation the firm requests.
  2. Assessments: The firm will then assess your trading skills and market knowledge. This can involve online tests, interviews, or demo trading on their platform.
  3. Trading Plan Submission: Some firms may require you to submit a detailed trading plan. This documentation should outline your proposed strategies, risk-management tactics, and trading goals.
  4. Evaluation and Approval: You’ll move on to the next stage if your application and trading plan meet the firm’s standards. Firms employ varying criteria in their evaluations. They commonly consider a candidate’s trading performance (profitability, drawdown, etc.), market knowledge, and risk management abilities.
  5. Funded Account: Once approved, the firm will establish a fully funded trading account for you. The account values can vary from firm to firm and depend on their trust in your skills.

How do prop trading firms make money?

Let’s explain the primary ways that prop trading firms generate profits in simple terms.

Profits from Successful Trades: The trading stars of these firms are the prop traders who make financial trades using the firm’s own money. When they hit a winning trade, it’s like scoring a goal! A juicy chunk of the profits goes back to the firm.

Resources and Support: Similar to how a sports coach helps train athletes, prop firms have a support team and hefty resources. They provide advanced tech, up-to-the-minute market data, and cool trading strategies. All this is to help prop traders perform better – because when traders win, the firm wins!

So, prop trading firms earn their bread primarily from the profits of their traders’ successful trades. They consistently work to create a super-charged environment that nudges their traders towards victory. Fun, right?

What are typical prop firm trading rules?

Proprietary (Prop) trading firms primarily generate profits from successful market trades executed using their capital. The critical profit sources are:

  1. Trading Profits: Traders use the firm’s money to engage in various forms of trading like day trading, swing trading, or arbitrage. When traders profit from these activities, the firm takes a significant portion—commonly a majority—of the earnings, with the rest going to the trader.
  2. Profit Sharing: Firms usually follow a profit-sharing model. If a trader’s trades are profitable, the gains are split between the firm and the trader. The allocation ratio can vary across firms, but typically, it’s heavily skewed in favor of the firm.
  3. Funding Accounts: In some business models, traders pay an upfront fee to access the firm’s capital and trading platform. These are typically part of “pay-to-play” or training arrangements.

To enable profitable trading, firms provide resources and support like high-speed trade execution platforms, market data, mentoring, and risk management tools. With significant capital backing and these advantages, prop firms aim to generate substantial profits from market movements identified by their skilled traders.

Is Prop Trading Legal and Regulated?

Proprietary trading, or “prop trading,” is indeed legal and highly regulated in numerous jurisdictions. The specifics of regulation, however, can vary significantly between countries. It’s important to note that while the principal concept of firms trading with their own capital is legal, certain trading practices may be restricted in particular jurisdictions.

In the United States, for instance, prop trading firms are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), among other bodies. Certain practices, like proprietary trading by commercial banks and their affiliates, are restricted under the Volcker Rule, part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

In the European Union, regulations like MiFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) monitor trading practices and give guidelines for prop trading firms.

Regarding licensing and registration, prop trading firms typically need to register as broker-dealers, necessitating adherence to a host of regulatory requirements, including submitting regular audit reports, maintaining minimum net capital amounts, and upholding robust risk management policies.

What’s the best way to choose a prop trading firm?

We suggest you conduct thorough research and consider your trading goals and preferences. An ideal prop trading firm should align with your investment style, risk tolerance, and trading targets. Choosing the best firm for you is a personal decision based on a balance of the above factors.

Funding OptionsUnderstand the firm’s arrangements for backing traders. This might be an initial deposit, fully funded accounts, or profit-sharing agreements.
Trading FeesCompare the fee structures of different firms. Some may charge direct fees, while others incorporate costs into their profit-sharing formula.
Available MarketsConfirm the firm operates in the markets you’re interested in, such as equities, forex, or futures.
Risk Management SupportTry to have a grip on the firm’s risk management tools and policies, which are crucial for long-term trading success.
Reputation and Track RecordLook at the firm’s industry reputation and track record regarding trader success.
Support and TrainingEvaluate the firm’s training, mentorship, and technological support.

What are the Pros and Cons of Being a Prop Trader?

We are breaking it down for our readers!

Pros of Being a Prop Trader

  1. Capital: As a prop trader, you get to trade with the firm’s money, which can be substantial, allowing you to make larger trades than you could on your own.
  2. Advanced Tech: Firms typically have access to top-tier technology and tools, which can give you a competitive edge.
  3. Potential Profit: If your trades are profitable, you get a share of the profits. Big wins could mean significant earnings!

Cons of Being a Prop Trader

  1. Limited Control: As a prop trader, you must adhere to the trading strategies, limits, and guidelines set by the firm.
  2. Profit Share: While there’s potential for high earnings, remember that you only get a portion of any profits. The firm brings its cut, too.

Being a prop trader is only for some. Weigh these pros and cons to decide if it’s your career choice.

How to Select a Proprietary Trading Firm?

Remember to take your time and weigh the pros and cons of each firm. Picking a firm is a big decision, but with proper research, you can find one that’s right for you!

Funding OptionsProp trading firms fund their traders differently. Some might require an initial deposit from you, acting like a security deposit. Others offer fully funded accounts where the firm takes on all the risk. Then, some firms work on a profit-sharing basis, providing the capital, and in return, they get a share of your profits. Understand these arrangements before signing up.
Trading FeesEach firm will have its fee structure. Some might charge direct fees for each trade or a monthly subscription, while others might have fees built into their profit-sharing agreement, deducting directly from your profits. Comparing fee structures can help you find the best arrangement for your trading style and budget.
Available MarketsNot all prop firms operate in all markets. Some focus on equities, others on futures, and some on forex. Make sure the firm trades in the markets you’re interested in. If you’re a jack of all trades, look for a firm that operates in multiple markets.
Risk Management SupportTrading involves risk, but proper management can limit potential damages. Good prop trading firms have robust risk management tools and policies. They might offer risk analytics, display risk levels dynamically as market conditions change, or automate risk controls. Understanding the firm’s approach to risk can help you make smarter, safer trades.
Reputation and Track RecordDoes the firm have a positive reputation in the trading community? Has it stood the test of time in the roller-coaster-like market movements? A firm’s reputation and track record are crucial indicators of their reliability. Look for reviews and success stories from other traders as part of your research.
Support and TrainingEspecially crucial for new traders, support and training from a prop firm can significantly boost your trading skills. Does the firm provide ongoing training or mentorship programs? How about tech support when things go wrong? Effective support structures can make a big difference in your trading expedition.


That’s it – our roundup of the top 10 prop trading firms as of January 2024. Keep in mind that choosing the best fit comes down to your individual trading style, goals, and preferred markets. These top firms offer a range of opportunities, from risk management tools to advanced trading tech, but the best choice for you will depend on what YOU need. So, weigh your options carefully and then take the plunge.


What is Proprietary Trading?

Proprietary trading, or “prop trading,” happens when a trading firm trades stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, derivatives, and other financial instruments with its own money instead of using its clients’ money. The aim is to gain directly from the market rather than earn commission by trading for clients.

Is Proprietary Trading Legal?

Yes, prop trading is legal. However, it’s also heavily regulated by organizations like the SEC and FINRA in the United States, the MiFID II in the European Union, and their equivalent bodies in other countries.

What Skills Do I Need to Be a Prop Trader?

Prop traders need a mix of quantitative skills, the ability to analyze and interpret data, solid risk management, and sound knowledge of financial markets. Resilience and emotional stability are also important, as trading can have highs and lows.

How Much Can Prop Traders Earn?

Earnings can vary widely based on factors like the firm’s profit-sharing agreement, trading results, and experience level. As with any trading activity, successful prop traders can earn substantially, but profits are never guaranteed.

What is the Volcker Rule?

The Volcker Rule, a part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in the United States, restricts banks from making certain speculative investments that do not benefit their customers. This includes proprietary trading.

Final Word

Remember, it’s always a good idea to do your research or consult a financial advisor before jumping into prop trading. This can be a profitable venture, but it also carries significant risks. Be prepared and well-informed to make the best decisions for your situation.


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10 Best Prop Trading Firms Compared - Bestfxbrokers.com (2024)


Which prop firm is the most reliable? ›

Funder Trading stands first in our list of the top prop trading firms in 2024 due to multiple reasons but notably it is the only prop trading firm that offers options funding and includes coaching for every trader signed up.

Which is the best prop firm right now? ›

The most popular prop trading firms and funded programmes
  • Axi Select.
  • FTMO.
  • The Forex Funder.
  • E8 Markets.
  • The 5%ers.
  • Funded Next.
  • Funded Trading Plus.

Which prop firm has the highest leverage? ›

Smart Prop Trader stands out for offering the highest leverage among the four firms. This can be particularly appealing to traders who employ high-risk, high-reward strategies. Smart Prop Trader also has a straightforward profit target structure.

What are the best futures prop firms? ›

The top futures prop firms are TopStepTrader, Jane Street, FTMO, 3Red Partners and The Trading Pit.

What is the most trusted prop firm in 2024? ›

Overall. FTMO is one of the most popular, transparent, and supportive proprietary trading firms you're going to find and their profit splits are second to none.

What is the cheapest prop firm? ›

Top Best Cheapest Prop Trading Firms
  • 1) Funded Trading Plus.
  • 2) FTMO.
  • 3) TopStepTrader.
  • 4) Fidelcrest.
  • 5) LuxTradingFirm.
  • 6) OneUp Trader.
  • 7) FTUK.
  • 1) Funded Trading Plus.
Apr 4, 2024

Which prop firm has the tightest spreads? ›

Audacity Capital is one of the oldest Forex prop firms with tight spreads which allows traders to speculate on diverse markets and provides low-cost funding accounts.

What are the negatives of prop firms? ›

Among many other potential factors, the main disadvantages of prop trading arise from being classified as a market professional, unfavorable profit sharing, and whether your net trading profits are taxed as capital gains or ordinary personal income.

How do I choose a prop trading firm? ›

Don't just pick the first prop trading firm you find. Choose one with a good reputation, support for traders, good tools, safety measures, fair costs, and a friendly community. This way, you can trade smarter and have a better chance at success.

Which prop firm is better than FTMO? ›

According to Traders Union, some trustworthy prop firms are FTMO, The Trading Pit, Funded Next, and TopStep. This conclusion was reached based on a thorough analysis and evaluation of prop companies on more than 100 parameters.

Which broker gives most leverage? ›

Best high-leverage brokers
  • IG - Best overall broker for 2024, up to 200:1 leverage in Switzerland.
  • Saxo - Award-winning trading platform suite, up to 67:1 leverage in Switzerland.
  • Swissquote - Wide range of markets, up to 100:1 leverage.
  • FlowBank - Large variety of asset classes, up to 200:1 leverage.
Mar 30, 2024

Which prop firm has the fastest payouts? ›

FunderPro stands out for its rapid payouts in the prop trading industry. With some competitors taking weeks to process payouts, FunderPro prioritizes swift transactions, ensuring traders receive their earnings promptly.

Who is the worlds best futures trader? ›

Best Futures Traders in the History of Futures Trading
  • Richard Dennis and the Turtle Traders. ...
  • Paul Tudor Jones. ...
  • Ed Seykota. ...
  • Bruce Kovner. ...
  • Larry Williams. ...
  • The Lessons from the Legends.
Feb 25, 2024

Which futures is most profitable? ›

What futures are most profitable? Trading in futures markets such as the Micro E-Mini Russell 2000 (M2K), Micro E-Mini S&P 500 (MES), Micro E-Mini Dow (MYM), and Micro E-Micro FX contracts can be highly profitable due to their distinct market characteristics.

What is the best futures trading broker? ›

Which broker is best for futures trading?
  • tastytrade - Low trading fees.
  • TradeStation - Great web and mobile trading platform.
  • Charles Schwab - Free stock and ETF trading.
  • E*TRADE - Low trading fees (free stock and ETF trading).
  • TradeStation Global - Low stock and ETF fees.
  • MEXEM - Low stock and ETF fees.
6 days ago

Are prop firms trustworthy? ›

While these laws applied to banks, not all independent prop companies in operation today are covered by the Volcker rule. Prop businesses nowadays are utterly unregulated and far apart from the banking industry. As a result, these internet prop companies are legitimate and not a fraud.

Do prop firms really pay out? ›

Statistics on Average Trader Payouts

Profit Split: The average prop firm will offer a 80-20 profit split once you become a funded trader. TFT, on the other hand, gives up to a 90% split, — even as high as 95% in some promotions — the highest in the industry.


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