23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (2024)

Table of Contents
Top Proprietary Trading Statistics Proprietary Trading: High-Frequency Trading Statistics Revenue for high-frequency traders has been increasing at a CAGR of 3.4% over five years and is expected to reach $5.7 billion in 2023 (IBIS World) An estimated 50% of stock trading volume in the United States is being driven by computer-backed high-frequency trading (Nasdaq) A 1-millisecond latency advantage can be worth over $100 million to a major trading firm (Analyzing Alpha) Eliminating latency arbitrage would decrease trading costs by 17% (Financial Conduct Authority) Proprietary Trading: Technology and AI Statistics 21% of proprietary trading firm executives consider limitations of internal technology development as one of their top barriers to growth (Avelacom) In 2018, electronic trades clocked in at a daily average of 57.9 billion, indicating a 62% increase (Financial Times) Roughly 60% of prop trading firm executives reported front office technology costs undergoing a small increase in 2022 (Acuiti) An estimated 92% of trading in the forex market was performed by trading algorithms, not humans (Algorithmic Trading Methods) 68% of senior proprietary trading executives surveyed are planning above-average technology budgets in 2023 (A-Team Insight Briefs) Proprietary Trading: Remote Working Statistics 59% of proprietary trading firms have more than half of their staff in the office on a regular basis now (Proprietary Trading Insight Survey) Firms in the United States are most likely to have staff in the office, while firms in the United Kingdom are more likely to operate remote working, with 45% having less than half of their staff in the office (Avelacom) Traders emerge as the top professionals most likely to be tethered to their office desks, with a whopping 48% of companies enforcing this requirement (Avelacom) The compensation for remote proprietary traders is usually between 50-90% depending on the prop trading firm’s rules and regulations (Analyzing Alpha) Proprietary Trading: Regulatory Statistics 50% of proprietary trading firm executives consider regulatory requirements one of the top challenges in growing their business (Avelacom) 15% of prop firm executives believe that new regulation is necessary to improve on-screen liquidity and volumes (Acuiti Prop Report) 44% of proprietary traders believe passive liquidity protection programs at exchanges have not been successful to date, and 73% believe that passive liquidity protection programs should be rolled out at more exchanges (Acuiti Prop Report) It is expected that banks’ proprietary trading will generally decline or be shifted to less regulated entities in response to regulatory reforms (BIS) Prop trading executives are generally optimistic about the immediate future, with 65% of respondents either quite optimistic (55%) or very optimistic (10%) (Acuiti) Proprietary Trading: Cryptocurrency Statistics 84% of proprietary trading firms are already trading crypto derivatives (Acuiti) Of the firms surveyed that are not yet trading crypto derivatives, 30% plan to start doing so in the next six months, 7% in the next 6-12 months, and 14% plan to do so not within the next year (Acuiti) 21% of adults have traded or used crypto as of 2022 (NBC News) An estimated 54% of Coinbase users use Bitcoin strictly as an investment (University of Cambridge) 36% of financial service executives said their businesses are prepared to make blockchain technology investments within the coming years (IBINEX) Conclusion: Why Learn Proprietary Trading Statistics? FAQs References

Are you looking to uncover the latest trends shaping the trading landscape? Look no further! In this article, we’ve compiled 23 proprietary trading statistics for 2023 that will not only satisfy your curiosity but also provide you with a deeper understanding of the industry’s dynamics. Get ready to dive into a world of fascinating and insightful data that will leave you better informed about the prop trading world. So, buckle up, and let’s embark on this data-driven journey together!

Top Proprietary Trading Statistics

Before diving in, let’s unveil the most crucial prop trading statistics you simply can’t ignore:

  • Prop trading executives are generally optimistic about the near future, with65% of respondents either quite optimistic (55%) or very optimistic (10%)
  • 50%of proprietary trading firm executives consider regulatory requirements one of the top challenges in growing their business
  • The compensation for remote proprietary traders is usually between 50-90% of trading profits, depending on the prop trading firm’s rules and regulations
  • 84%of proprietary trading firms are already trading crypto derivatives

Proprietary Trading: High-Frequency Trading Statistics

High-frequency trading is an exciting branch of proprietary trading, where firms employ cutting-edge algorithms and advanced technology to execute lightning-fast, high-volume trades. Let’s dive headfirst into high-frequency trading, where we’ll uncover fascinating statistics that reveal the pulse of the market today and offer a glimpse into its future.

Revenue for high-frequency traders has been increasing at a CAGR of 3.4% over five years and is expected to reach $5.7 billion in 2023 (IBIS World)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (1)

The high-frequency trading industry is not only thriving but also consistently expanding, with revenues predicted to soar even higher. This compelling statistic offers traders invaluable insight: integrating high-frequency trading strategies into their portfolios could potentially unlock greater returns.

An estimated 50% of stock trading volume in the United States is being driven by computer-backed high-frequency trading (Nasdaq)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (2)

Harness the power of high-frequency trading algorithms to supercharge your strategies and dominate the market. By delving deep into the intricate patterns that govern these lightning-fast trades, traders can uncover hidden trends and gain the upper hand in capitalizing on those fleeting market movements propelled by cutting-edge computer technology.

A 1-millisecond latency advantage can be worth over $100 million to a major trading firm (Analyzing Alpha)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (3)

A 1-millisecond advantage in latency can translate to a significant edge in the competitive world of high-frequency trading. With such a small window of opportunity, even the tiniest delay can mean the difference between a profitable trade and a missed opportunity.

Eliminating latency arbitrage would decrease trading costs by 17% (Financial Conduct Authority)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (4)

This eye-opening statistic reveals that latency arbitrage, a clever trading tactic employed by high-frequency traders (HFTs), significantly escalates overall trading costs in the financial markets. What is latency arbitrage, you ask? It’s the crafty exploitation of minuscule time disparities in disseminating market intel, giving a few traders a leg up on the competition.

HFTs harness cutting-edge technology and innovative algorithms to execute trades at breakneck speeds, capitalizing on these fleeting time differences. This revelation fuels the fire in ongoing regulatory debates and potential policy shifts to curb the perceived negative impacts of high-frequency trading.

Proprietary Trading: Technology and AI Statistics

In today’s fast-paced world of proprietary trading, technology, and artificial intelligencehas become indispensable, and embracing cutting-edge advancements is an absolute must for firms that want to stay ahead and achieve exponential growth.

21% of proprietary trading firm executives consider limitations of internal technology development as one of their top barriers to growth (Avelacom)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (5)

In the fast-paced world of technology, numerous prop trading firm executives find themselves racing to keep up with the relentless march of innovation. More than one-fifth of these industry pioneers yearn for the ability to integrate cutting-edge technologies into their businesses more rapidly as they recognize the immense potential for accelerated business growth.

In 2018, electronic trades clocked in at a daily average of 57.9 billion, indicating a 62% increase (Financial Times)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (6)

The meteoric rise in electronic trades in 2018 shines a spotlight on the ever-growing impact of technology in proprietary trading. As cutting-edge trading firms embrace sophisticated algorithms and lightning-fast high-frequency trading tactics, the sheer volume of electronic trades has skyrocketed, showcasing technology’s undeniable, expanding influence in the financial markets.

Roughly 60% of prop trading firm executives reported front office technology costs undergoing a small increase in 2022 (Acuiti)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (7)

In today’s rapidly evolving world, industries across the board are feeling the pressure to invest more in cutting-edge technology. However, the prop trading sector has managed to navigate this digital landscape with only a slight increase in expenses. Prop firm executives have experienced more significant cost increases in other areas, such as staffing, market data fees, and network infrastructure.

An estimated 92% of trading in the forex market was performed by trading algorithms, not humans (Algorithmic Trading Methods)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (8)

This statistic highlights the significant role algorithmic trading plays in the forex market, which is crucial for prop trading firms and researchers to comprehend. As a majority of forex trades are executed by algorithms, understanding and developing effective trading algorithms becomes a way for prop traders to stay competitive.

As a trader, it’s crucial to recognize and adapt to this unstoppable trend. By embracing the potential of technology and learning from the ingenious strategies employed by these algorithms, you can sharpen your own trading skills and stay ahead of the game.

68% of senior proprietary trading executives surveyed are planning above-average technology budgets in 2023 (A-Team Insight Briefs)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (9)

This stat is a game-changer for proprietary trading, revealing a seismic shift in the mindset of top-tier executives who now acknowledge the role of tech in their industry.

As a great majority gears up to allocate above-average funds for tech in 2023, it’s evident that they’re ready to go all-in on cutting-edge tools and systems that will give them an unrivaled edge in the marketplace.

Proprietary Trading: Remote Working Statistics

In the wake of COVID-19’s impact, many trading firms began embracing the future by offering traders the flexibility to work from anywhere. While many prop trading firms still allow this option, statistics show that traders are returning to the office as we make our way out of the pandemic.

59% of proprietary trading firms have more than half of their staff in the office on a regular basis now (Proprietary Trading Insight Survey)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (10)

While most prop trading firms keep their traders in the office, a significant 41% still embrace the flexibility of allowing their traders to work remotely regularly.

Firms in the United States are most likely to have staff in the office, while firms in the United Kingdom are more likely to operate remote working, with 45% having less than half of their staff in the office (Avelacom)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (11)

Imagine the thrill of being a successful proprietary trader, working from the comfort of your own home, in any corner of the globe. The opportunity to embrace this lifestyle is within your grasp, but the feasibility of achieving it may vary depending on your country.

Traders emerge as the top professionals most likely to be tethered to their office desks, with a whopping 48% of companies enforcing this requirement (Avelacom)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (12)

With nearly half of the companies enforcing this requirement, it suggests that there is a strong belief in the value of on-site presence in making better trading decisions and staying updated with market trends.

The compensation for remote proprietary traders is usually between 50-90% depending on the prop trading firm’s rules and regulations (Analyzing Alpha)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (13)

This statistic underscores the vast range of compensation possibilities for remote proprietary traders, hinging on each prop trading firm’s distinct rules and regulations. This broad spectrum signals that no one-size-fits-all profit split method exists across the industry, with each firm crafting its own approach to rewarding its traders.

What’s more, the actual earnings of remote prop traders are linked to their trading abilities, as their pay hinges on their performance in the market. A highly skilled trader partnering with a firm offering a generous profit split could outearn a less proficient trader working under the same conditions.

Proprietary Trading: Regulatory Statistics

The government regulates prop trading to ensure proper rules and measures are being taken. Proprietary trading firms must ensure that they abide by all regulations and laws.

50% of proprietary trading firm executives consider regulatory requirements one of the top challenges in growing their business (Avelacom)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (14)

Europe-based firms are grappling with a unique set of growth challenges as regulatory pressures take center stage. These businesses find themselves navigating the turbulent waters of Brexit implementation and the introduction of new capital rules – a formidable duo that threatens to shake up the financial landscape. In this high-stakes game, European firms must adapt and evolve or risk being left behind.

15% of prop firm executives believe that new regulation is necessary to improve on-screen liquidity and volumes (Acuiti Prop Report)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (15)

Contrary to popular belief, not all prop traders view regulations as a hindrance. In fact, a growing number of these savvy market players are advocating for innovative regulatory measures. They believe that the right kind of regulations can significantly boost liquidity and trading volumes in the prop trading arena, leading to a more vibrant and thriving market ecosystem.

44% of proprietary traders believe passive liquidity protection programs at exchanges have not been successful to date, and 73% believe that passive liquidity protection programs should be rolled out at more exchanges (Acuiti Prop Report)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (16)

Passive liquidity protection programs aim to entice market makers to place passive orders, enhancing the market depth and slashing transaction costs for traders. However, 44% of proprietary traders feel these programs haven’t yet hit the mark.The reasons could range from insufficient incentives to lackluster participation or flawed program design. There’s ample opportunity to refine and perfect these initiatives.

What’s more, a whopping 73% of proprietary traders are eager to see passive liquidity protection programs implemented across more exchanges. This hunger for expansion signals that traders recognize the potential perks of broader adoption, such as boosted liquidity, lower transaction costs, and a more robust trading landscape.

It is expected that banks’ proprietary trading will generally decline or be shifted to less regulated entities in response to regulatory reforms (BIS)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (17)

As a result of sweeping regulatory reforms, banks are poised to scale back their proprietary trading activities or shift them to entities with looser regulations. This shift will impact prop traders, who may find themselves grappling with fewer opportunities within regulated banks. To thrive in this new landscape, they’ll need to either seek employment with less regulated entities or adapt to the evolving regulatory climate.

Prop trading executives are generally optimistic about the immediate future, with 65% of respondents either quite optimistic (55%) or very optimistic (10%) (Acuiti)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (18)

Despite the mounting regulations on proprietary trading, most industry leaders remain steadfast in their optimism about the future of prop trading. As the market evolves and embraces new players, such as the burgeoning world of cryptocurrency, opportunities for growth and innovation abound.

Proprietary Trading: Cryptocurrency Statistics

As crypto takes the financial world by storm, it’s crucial for proprietary traders to stay in the loop about this groundbreaking phenomenon and discover how they can reap the rewards.

84% of proprietary trading firms are already trading crypto derivatives (Acuiti)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (19)

The survey delved into the perspectives of top-tier executives at 80 prestigious proprietary trading firms,with a staggering 84% already actively involved in the crypto derivatives market.

These firms can be divided into two distinct categories: “specialist” firms that were established specifically to trade digital assets, and “traditional” firms that expanded their focus from conventional assets to include digital ones.

Of the firms surveyed that are not yet trading crypto derivatives, 30% plan to start doing so in the next six months, 7% in the next 6-12 months, and 14% plan to do so not within the next year (Acuiti)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (20)

A growing number of proprietary trading firms are gearing up to embrace cryptocurrency as a tradable asset in the not-so-distant future. So if you’re itching to ride this digital wave and cash in on the opportunity, now’s the time to start studying the fast-paced crypto market.

21% of adults have traded or used crypto as of 2022 (NBC News)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (21)

Among the demographics studied, a staggering 50% of men aged 18 to 49 years have dipped their toes into cryptocurrency. A mere 19% of those surveyed by NBC News expressed a positive outlook on crypto, while 25% viewed it with skepticism.However, public sentiment is rapidly evolving as cryptocurrency makes waves in the trading and investing realms, captivating the interest of countless enthusiasts.

An estimated 54% of Coinbase users use Bitcoin strictly as an investment (University of Cambridge)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (22)

This stat suggests that bitcoin’s price may be fueled more by investor emotions, speculation, and shifting market dynamics than its core functionality as a means of exchange. By grasping this essential aspect of market behavior, proprietary traders can make better decisions and craft unbeatable trading strategies. They’ll be able to ride the waves of potential price swings, driven by investor actions and sentiment, with the finesse of a seasoned surfer.

36% of financial service executives said their businesses are prepared to make blockchain technology investments within the coming years (IBINEX)

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (23)

This statistic reveals that a substantial number of financial service executives are not only recognizing the potential of blockchain technology and are gearing up to invest in it soon. For proprietary traders, this signals a potential surge in demand for blockchain-powered assets and related financial products.

To seize this golden opportunity, traders should consider diversifying their portfolios by including blockchain-based assets like cryptocurrencies, tokenized securities, and other digital treasures. Moreover, staying on top of the latest breakthroughs in blockchain technology and its widespread adoption across diverse industries will be critical for making well-informed, strategic trading decisions that could pay off big time.

Conclusion: Why Learn Proprietary Trading Statistics?

Learning the most essential proprietary trading statistics is a strategic step to staying competitive in the fluid financial market. These key metrics, covering aspects like emerging technologies, remote work trends, regulatory shifts, and the burgeoning cryptocurrency market, provide a deeper understanding of the trading landscape.

To learn more and enhance your trading acumen, visit our guide on proprietary trading.

23 Groundbreaking Proprietary Trading Statistics for 2023 - Analyzing Alpha (2024)


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This year, the report introduces more original data than any previous edition, including a new chapter on AI public opinion, a more thorough technical performance chapter, original analysis about large language and multimodal models, detailed trends in global AI legislation records, a study of the environmental impact ...

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The United States had the strongest capacity for research among the leading 20 AI nations worldwide in 2023. It has a ranking of 100, compared with its nearest competitor China at just around 54. In general Europe has the strongest showing, with most nations on the ranking hailing from Europe.

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Unprecedented AI Advancements: 2023 marked significant strides in AI technology. Ethics and Governance in AI: Calls for responsible AI development stress the importance of ethical considerations. AI's Diverse Applications: AI's expanding role in various sectors from healthcare to environmental science.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) worldwide - statistics & facts

The market for AI technologies is vast, amounting to around 200 billion U.S. dollars in 2023 and is expected to grow well beyond that to over 1.8 trillion U.S. dollars by 2030.

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10 AI Stocks That Will Skyrocket
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  • Dedrone: Keeping our skies safe.
  • Master Translator: Bridging language gaps.
  • UiPath Clipboard AI: Streamlining repetitive tasks.
  • AI Pin: The future of smart devices.
  • Phoenix™: A robot with a human touch.
  • Be My AI: A visionary assistant.
  • Impact of AI inventions on society.
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As the United States continues to lead in AI innovation, the collaboration between public and private sectors, along with a strong emphasis on talent development, positions the country at the forefront of the global AI landscape.

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According to the World Economic Forum's “The Future of Jobs Report 2020,” AI is expected to replace 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025. Though that sounds scary, the report goes on to say that it will also create 97 million new jobs in that same timeframe.

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The Top 10 AI Research & Technology Countries in 2024
  1. The US: AI Superpower.
  2. China: A Growing Competitor.
  3. UK: Europe's AI Hub.
  4. Israel: The Innovation Center.
  5. Canada: The Silent Achiever.
  6. France: Europe's AI Leader.
  7. India: South Asia's AI Leader.
  8. Japan: Technological Leader.
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Quantum AI

Within 10 years, accessibility to quantum computing technology will have increased dramatically, meaning many more discoveries and efficiencies are likely to have been made. The emergence of quantum computing is likely to also create significant challenges for society, and by 2024, these could be hot topics.

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It could be anywhere from never to a decade. There are so many variables that we would need for a prediction that we do not have knowledge of such as: Can conventional computers (Turing machines) be conscious?

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What does the future of AI look like? AI is expected to improve industries like healthcare, manufacturing and customer service, leading to higher-quality experiences for both workers and customers. However, it does face challenges like increased regulation, data privacy concerns and worries over job losses.

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By 2030, AI will be unfathomably more powerful than humans in ways that will transform our world. It will also continue to lag human capabilities in other ways.

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Forrester predicts that in 2024 businesses will harness genAI-powered applications to serve employees (60% adoption) and customers (with 50% of firms deploying apps, with an employee running point on the response).

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Over 50% of companies plan to incorporate AI technologies in 2024. That means that over 77% of companies are either using or exploring the use of AI. There are 333.34 million companies worldwide, meaning over 250 million companies are using or exploring AI in their business operations.

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The AI Index report tracks, collates, distills, and visualizes data related to artificial intelligence (AI).

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2023 will build on this progress. We'll see advances in the optimization of AI workloads, servers and storage. Data distribution will be made simpler, making training, inferencing and other activities more efficient. Testing will become easier, and be streamlined to support mainstream applications.

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There are several AI stock indexes — like the Indxx Global Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Thematic Index and the Nasdaq CTA Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Index — which are tracked by ETFs.

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The Pharma AI Readiness Index takes into consideration three main factors to determine the score that highlights where pharmaceutical companies fall within the AI readiness domain. These factors include talent, execution, and innovation, collectively used to determine readiness scores.


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.