A Stiff Clue at Mystery Inc. - Chapter 1 - Lunchbox151 - Scooby Doo (2024)

Chapter Text

“Not again!” Daphne exclaimed, “This is the fifth time that someone has wasted our time with their stupidity.”

“You said it Daph.” Replied Fred as the gang walked back to the Mystery Machine.

“Like at least it could have been, ya know, a fake like the old days… something worth solving.” Shaggy said with a sigh of disappointment as he lit a rolled cigarette from his pocket.

“Reah.” Scooby replied.

Lately the gang had been asked out to many seemingly promising cases, that only turned out disappointment. Most of them being able to be solved with a bit of everyday common sense, and mild investigation. Being as renouned and experienced as they were, and the countless years of field work investigating mysteries, it felt like an insult to be called to do these mundane cases, especially as the haunting of Moonscar Island in Louisiana, and the Oakhaven incident in Massachusetts put them in the spotlight for paranormal Investigations.

One case had them investigating a string of disappearing and reappearing farm equipment in Iowa. Some people believed it to be ghosts; others aliens. It took a few days, but finally the gang revealed that it had been a neighbor who was too shy to ask to borrow the tools and equipment. Another case involved Mystery Inc. rummaging around a sub-sewer beneath a set of town homes in Chicago. The call made note of voices or humming coming from nowhere, of banging and vibrations coming from beneath the floor. It took several wasted hours before the sources were found. The voices and humming where actually from the other homes through connected air vents. The bangs and vibrations in the floor were caused by loose water pipes in the basem*nt.

This last case was the most upsetting; they were investigating a case about a couple that owned a ranch in south Texas. The call had the five investigators concerned, hearing the report about strange stuff going on at night, furniture flipped over, doors swinging open, the kitchen being torn apart. Sounded to them like they might have their first actual haunting in months. After a few days of intense investigation, little sleep, and no evidence to be had, the case was finally solved by Daphne. While investigating the guest house she heard a loud crash coming from the main property, and upon approaching the front door of the main house she noticed that it was the couple’s dog. After revealing this information when they called the couple home, they merely shrugged it off.

“Oh, guess we’ll have to lock him up at night.”

“Not even a “Thanks” or a “Sorry”…..dicks.” Daphne said as she kicked a rock down the gravel driveway.

As they neared the van, Fred opened the side door and Scooby jumped in the back seat. Daphne and Velma leaned against the vehicle.

“Well what now?” Velma asked followed by a yawn “…do we find someplace to rest for a few days, or do we move on to the next case?”

“f*ck that.” Daphne replied to the latter.

“like calm down Daphne. I know it’s been slow going for the past few cases, but we’ll get another good one soon, like you’ll see.” Shaggy said with a smile.

“Yea, you’re right, thanks shag.” she replied.

Velma yawned again and on queue Fred spoke

“Let’s find a hotel and get a few days rest…” looking back at Velma “We need it.”

“Would you guys mind if I took the mattress in the back?” Velma asked.

The gang had found that a twin mattress could fit in the back of the van against one side, and still have enough room to use the computer station on the other side. The others looked at each other and shook their heads. As she headed for the back, she turned and after making sure the others were out of earshot, spoke to shaggy,

“Hey, may I?” gesturing toward his marijuana cigarette.

Taking a second to look at her; Velma didn’t usually partake in smoking, but Shaggy brushed the notion aside and handed it to her. She took a long drag before handing it back.

“Thanks.” she said; small streams of smoke leaving her nostrils.

Shaggy just nodded, putting it out and back into his pocket before he climbed in the back seat next to Scooby. Daphne followed Velma into the back so she could put this case on file in the computer, she shook her head at the notion of this call being called a “case.” While she went over files and information on upcoming cases she checked on Velma from time to time to make sure she hadn’t rolled off the mattress, and surprisingly she was still on her side facing the wall, like she was when she first fell asleep. It had been hours before Daphne noticed it had gotten dark outside and looked at her watch to see what time it was.

“Ten sixteen? wow”

She had been doing research on the local areas of their next cases and lost track of time. Noticing that the van was still moving,

“How far till we find a place to stop Fred?”

“About another hour and a half. We’re just about to get back into town. you should get some sleep Hun.” he replied.

As she turned back to the computer she heard rustling from behind her and turned back to see Velma had rolled onto her back. She smiled but before turning back Daphne thought she noticed a lump, seemingly out of place, in her friends skirt. It was dark in the van, with only light from the computer for illumination, it was probably just her imagination. She wondered if it was her flashlight, Velma Always seemed to have one on her. She'd nod in self assurance and returned to her research. A few minutes back into her studying, she began thinking on the notion of a flashlight and exactly why and how she would keep it under her skirt, and thought maybe it was just a wrinkle exaggerated by the dim light, but dismissed it as she thought the form was too pronounced. A few more minutes passed as she couldn’t focus on her research and curiosity finally got the better of her. She completely turned around on the stool, her wedge heels thudding against the metal floor of the van as she stopped her momentum. Throwing her hands to her mouth, she held back a gasp when she heard the sound, thinking it might have been so loud as to wake Velma. After a few moments without so much as a twitch from her friend she relaxed and continued to investigate the matter on her mind. Though she could see Velma as a whole, her eyes were still adjusting to the dark after staring at the computer screen, so when she slowly pulled back the skirt she couldn’t see much of anything, but as her eyes adapted to the dark, she realized that there was nothing there. She was now, if a bit embarrassed, just staring at Velma's exposed thong underwear.

“Huh… She actually took my advice and bought herself something other than her usual run-of-the-mill panties.” she thought to herself, a smirk appearing in the corner of her mouth.

That smirk quickly vanish as she was again perplexed.

“If there was no flashlight…”

Her mind trailed off as she lifted the skirt even more to search for something else that would have made such a disturbance in the fabric. Examining the underside of the skirt, the waistband, any logical thing she could think of searching on a skirt with no pockets… which was basically nothing. As she removed her hand from under the skirt, the outside of her hand and forearm touched something… odd and out of place.

“Huh? What was that.” she thought to herself, “Is there something in her underwear?”

She hesitated for a second, deciding if she wanted to go further and invade her friends personal privacy. With her curiosity getting stronger, she decided to continue. Reaching out with a flat hand in front of her, she gently searched where she had brushed by the unknown object. As her hand came to rest, it felt soft yet firm. After discovering the object she let her hands explore along it's length; sliding over meandering ridges and determining where the edges were. After a moment of feeling around she managed to get her hand around it and gave an inquisitive squeeze. Almost immediately the object in her hand seemed to respond and moved under the fabric of the underwear and in her fingers. Daphne, startled by the sudden turn of events, retracted her hand to her chest as the skirt fell back into place.

“What the… What the hell was that!” her mind racing.

How long she had been sitting there with her thoughts, she couldn’t tell. Thirty seconds? A minute? Five? All she could think of now was there was something weird going on and now she couldn't leave it alone. Leaning back over, she'd lift the skirt up onto Velma's stomach to finally unmask what this object truly was. As she exposed her friend's thong, she could make out that it was bulging outwards, straining the fabric. Refusing to turn back now and more curious then ever, she shifted the garment to the side of the lump, Causing Velma's Semi stiff co*ck to flop out; her heavy sack drooping down, now exposed in the dim lighting fully..
She gasped as she jolted back, covering her mouth; sounds of strained metal coming from the chair.

“What the f*ck?!” she said under her breath.

She looked at the others, hoping they didn't noticed the commotion, but to her surprise Fred was still focused on the road and Shaggy and Scooby were asleep. A part of her was relieved. Looking back at her friend she tried to contemplate the possibility of this actually being true.

“Well it does kind of explain why she always wears a skirt, no matter where we are.”

Suddenly a lot of things started to make sense. One moment in particular when she accidentally walked in on her in the restroom. At the time she thought Velma was just finishing up and getting ready to flush, though her posture was a bit odd. Now she realized she was actually using the toilet standing up. She looked back at Fred as she started taking off her heels so they didn’t make noises as she moved, and placed them next to Velma’s against the back seat. She grabbed a comforter from the corner they kept for cold nights and spread it across the floor so she wouldn’t damage her stockings against the steel floor of the van and dropped to her hands and knees to get a better look at Velma’s co*ck to determine if it was real or not. She positioned herself over Velma’s right leg and lightly grabbed the dick with one hand, slightly tugging on it to see if it was just a dild* or something; which would still be confusing but not as shocking. To her surprise it was very real, warm, and big. In fact, it's girth was so impressive that one hand was almost enough to fully enclose her fingers... and it wasn't even fully erect.

“How in the hell does she keep all this in that tiny thong.” the question seemed to echo in her head

“Clean shaven too? I wish Fred would do that.”

Further exploring led to the discovery that she did have a puss*


Something about this was throwing Daphne’s head in circles. She had never been interested in other women, let alone her best friend she's had since high-school, and here she was getting flushed over thoughts of this fat dick in her hands. It didn’t take long before lust set in.

“Well while I’m here.”

Daphne lifted the leg that was underneath her, and flattened herself as best she could on the mattress so the leg would easily rest over her shoulder and on her back. Pushing back the dick to rest on Velma’s abdomen, she pulled the panties aside, lifted the large nuts and slowly began to tongue-f*ck her sleeping companion. She let Velma’s balls rest on her nose and started slowly jerking her off. She tasted good, really good. There was something about this that made it incredibly exciting. Maybe it was due to the fact that she was eating out a woman who had a dick, who was also her friend… and was asleep. “f*ck this is naughty.” She giggled to herself. After a minute or two, she stopped. Though this was great, it wasn’t her goal. With Velma's balls resting on her face, Daphne could smell a faint musky scent. She raised her head back, letting Velma's Balls slide off her face and pressed her nose into the base of the thick beast, inhaling deeply of the pungent scent. The aroma was stronger and it made her eyes roll back into her head.

"Mmm... i love the smell of co*ck." she whispered to herself.

She grasped the co*ck again and began to long, loving licks up and down the shaft. She could hear Velma begin to moan softly as she started sucking her head but wasn’t worried, she knew it was too quiet to be heard over the sound of the tires on the road. After a few minutes of licking, kissing, and sucking the head of Velma’s co*ck, she stopped to look at it again and it had indeed grown in size and had become very stiff. She could stack both hands on it and still have enough for another hand before reaching the tip, and was now so thick she her fingers weren't even close to enclosing around it. She looked up at Velma to see if she had woken up, though she most likely hadn’t, otherwise Velma would have done something… or would she. That thought made Daphne wet. glancing down at her friends chest she thought to herself,

“I’ve never actually seen her breasts. she’s seen mine, but always turns away when she’s undressed.”

She put the co*ck back in her mouth with one hand while the other lifted the sweater and was met with a large set of tit*,

“Damn!” she said, as the dick fell out of her mouth.

“Those are huge!” she thought to herself

“What, Daph?” Fred asked from the front.

Shocked and startled at being heard she quickly replied

“Oh, nothing… just read some interesting stuff on one of our next cases.”

“Don’t worry about that stuff for now, hun.”

“Ok, Fred” she replied and turned back to Velma’s rack, Squeezing and massaging them. “These feel amazing. how on earth does she keep these suckers hidden?” saying under her breath “I guess that why she always wears sweaters.”

Sucking at one nipple she tasted sweet, warm liquid. Quickly realizing what it was she found herself more turned on.

“Milk? Never thought I’d say it but, i like this. very sweet.”

A Kinky idea ran through her mind as Daphne continued to suck milk from Velma's tit*, She filled her mouth with the sweet broth, and went back down, taking her friend's co*ck into her mouth as the warm milk trickled out and down Velma's shaft, to her large balls, dripping onto the mattress below. Experimenting, Daphne wrapped her hands around the throbbing monster, her hands sliding more easily along its length due to how slick the milk had made it; feeling every protuded vein as they passed under her palms. As she got more into it, she tried to deep-throat it like she did with Fred on occasion, but due to the girth couldn't manage it. Eventually accepting defeat, she continued to suck, lick, and fondle to her hearts desire, occasionally rubbing her friends puss* which, in turn, made Velma's co*ck twitch and throb in her mouth.

“Oh god this tastes so good!” tasting pre-cum as the prick pulsed, “why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she said playfully at Velma as she pawed at her tit* and tugged at her nipples.
“God I wish I could ride this, take it all. Oh it would fill me up so good.” she said bobbing a few more times, she could feel her thong was a sopping mess.
“I really need it, but not here. Need to find some time alone then you can f*ck me silly.”

She had been sucking and groping for what seemed like hours before Daphne could finally sense that Velma was about to cum, she had begun to softly thrust her hips into Daphne’s hand and mouth and was moaning more frequently as her breathing became faster. Daphne pulled the co*ck out of her mouth and spit on it as she began to fiercely stroke it with one hand while she inserted fingers into Velma’s c*nt and just as aggressively worked her G-spot with the other. A minute or two was all she needed before the first lance of hot cum spouted from Velma’s co*ck into the air and landed on her tit*, Daphne giggled at the sight as another spurt landed on her arm; she let it be for now. Volley after volley of thick ropes shot wildly into the air, landing on either Velma or her. Daphne tried her best to hold the co*ck steady so it wouldn’t get on anything else. Velma’s org*sm had finally died down so that the last bit of cum was oozing from her co*ck, which Daphne was more than happy to suck out of her. As she looked around, she noticed that cum was everywhere, on Velma’s tit*, her stomach, all over her thighs, and a few drops on her balls, some of it even landed on Daphne’s arms and face. She was more than happy to lick everything clean.

“Mmmmm , sweet.” she said as she continued to clean up. "how does she do it?"

After she was done she placed Velma’s leg, that was still over her shoulder, back on the mattress and found an actual flashlight to make sure none had landed on her clothes, which it hadn’t; righted her sweater and tucked her package back into her thong, or at least the best she could.
Daphne sat back into the chair, threw the comforter back in the corner and put her heels back on as quietly as she could, and looked back at the clock, it had been a little over an hour.

“Damn, she can really last.” She could only imagine how great being f*cked for that long by a co*ck that big would be... and she couldn't wait to find out.

It wasn’t long before Fred spoke up again.

“Ok guys, we’re here.”

Shaggy and Scooby woke up, and Daphne shook Velma till she did as well.

“Hey, we’re at the hotel.”

“Oh, ok.” Velma replied as she turned to get her glasses.

As Daphne hopped from the back of the van she heard Velma behind her,
“What’s this stuff on my glasses?”

Daphne almost froze in place before turning around. A small drop of cum had landed on Velma's glasses.

“No clue.” she replied.

Velma wiped it off with one finger and smelled it.

“Smells sweet, whatever it is.” she said as she sucked it off her finger. “Very sweet.”

“Ya don’t say.” Daphne said as she rounded the van towards their room, giggling to herself as she walked out of View.

A Stiff Clue at Mystery Inc. - Chapter 1 - Lunchbox151 - Scooby Doo (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.